
Sertifikacioni kursevi na različitim IT poljima

Od 20. februara do 2. juna 2017. godine, CPU je održao program „SERTIFIKACIONI KURSEVI NA RAZLIČITIM IT POLJIMA “ u Multidonatorskom fondu za podršku sektora pravde u Srbiji, program koji služi kao uvod Evropskih standarda za prepoznavanje IT kvalifikacija (ECDL-European Computer Driving Licence), poboljšanje poslovnih veština i efikasnosti, time pružajući jednake šanse svima u vidu evropske integracije.

Trening je sastavljen prema rezltatima prijemnog ispita, koji je organizovala firma CPU, testriajući znanje zaposlenih vezano za Windows 10, internet i Microsoft Office 2010 (Word 2010 and Excel 2010). Program je sastavljen od sledećih treninga: ECDL STart, ECDL Advanced, 20411: Administering Windows Server, 20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server and 20464: Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases. Pročitajte više o svemu ovde.

ECDL Start program obuke omogućio je svakom od stotinu četrdeset sedam (147) zaposlenih u pravosuđu koji su ušli u ovaj program da koriste računare za osnovno korisničko poslovanje, da koriste Internet, napišu pisma za izradu računskih tablica, au nekim slučajevima i naprednijim karakteristike.

Glavni cilj Advanced ECDL treninga je usvajanje znanja koja će naprednim korisnicima pomoći u svakodnevnom radu, koristeći napredne funkcije vezane za izveštavanje, raditi efikasnije i pomoći drugim korisnicima Microsoft Officea.

Kompletna obuka obuhvatila je oblasti planiranja, razvoja, konfiguracije i održavanja Microsoftove infrastrukture i baza podataka. Održani su sledeći kursevi:

  • Kurs 20411: Administriranje Vindovs Server® 2012 od 27. februara do 10. marta 2017. godine – 12 učesnika
  • Kurs 20461: Upitnik Microsoft SKL Server® 2014 od 13. marta do 24. marta 2017. godine – 5 učesnika
  • Kurs 20464: Razvijanje baza podataka Microsoft SKL Server® 2014 od 29. maja do 2. juna 2017. godine – 1 učesnik

Cerification courses in various IT fields

Posted by Tea in Događaji, Novosti

Certification courses in various IT fields

From February 20th to June 2nd 2017, CPU held „CERTIFICATION COURSES IN VARIOUS IT FIELDS“ in the Multi Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support in Serbia , a program that serves as an introduction of European standards for recognizing IT qualification (ECDL-European Computer Driving Licence), improvement of business skills and efficiency, thus providing equal career opportunities to everyone in terms of European integration.

The training was prepared according to the results of the entrance test, organized by CPU, testing the knowledge of the employees on Windows 10, Internet and Microsoft Office 2010 (Word 2010 and Excel 2010).  The program is comprised of the following trainings: ECDL Start, ECDL Advanced, 20411: Administering Windows Server, 20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server and 20464: Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases. Read more here.

The ECDL Start training program provided each of the forty-seven (147) employees in the judiciary who entered this program to use computers for basic user business, to use the Internet, write letters to create spreadsheets, and in some cases even more advanced features.

The main goal of the Advanced ECDL training is to acquire knowledge that will help advanced users in day-to-day work, using advanced reporting functions, working more efficiently and helping other users of Microsoft Office.

The complete training included fields of planning, development, configuration and maintenance of Microsoft infrastructure and databases. The following courses were held:
  • Course 20411: Administering Windows Server® 2012 from February 27th to March 10th 2017– 12 participants
  • Course 20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 from March 13th to March 24th 2017 – 5 participants
  • Course 20464: Developing Microsoft SQL Server® 2014 Databases from May 29th to June 2nd 2017 – 1 participant


Certification courses in various IT fields

Posted by Tea in Događaji, Novosti